Ian Tee in Thinking About Abstraction Part II curated by Dr. Charles Merewether
5 Oct 2023
The second iteration of the group exhibition, Thinking About Abstraction features Yavuz artist, Ian Tee. Renowned art historian, author and curator Dr. Charles Merewether conceived the exhibition featuring 17 Singaporean artists to spotlight three generations practicing art abstraction today.
Thinking About Abstraction Part II is a continuation of Part I, based on the recognition that a vibrant and broadly based tradition of abstraction continues in Singapore. The presentation of these works challenges objective representation, giving priority to subjective expression. Part II emphasizes the tactile aspects of paintings, layering intentions through gestural movements, materials, and mediums, creating a showcase of diverse abstract compositions.
“Thinking About Abstraction, is intended to provoke the viewer to recognise the participation of the mind in thinking about the process of abstraction. This is both for the viewer and the artist. Using their hand and eye, artists work in dialogue with the process of thinking, that is a process that entails the additions, shifts and changes reached over the course of making a work of art.” Merewether shared.
Featured artists: Genevieve Chua, Kanchana Gupta, Luke Heng, Jane Lee, Valeria Ng, Wyn-Lyn Tan, Keith Teo and Ian Tee.
View Tee’s works in Thinking About Abstraction Part II at 39+ Art Space until 3 November 2023
Image: Installation views of Ian Tee’s works in Thinking About Abstraction Part II at 39+ Art Space. Courtesy of the artists and 39+ Art Space.