Like Kafka walking to the door: V40 by Vasan Sitthiket
4 Jul 2016
“And so, there is a kind of difficulty to labeling Vasan: I cannot strictly name him anarchist, rebel, provocateur without feeling as if I was overlooking a greater part of him. As much as I would have liked to focus on his activism, it feels as though to do so would be to do a grave oversight. His hesitation to join the political demonstrations must mean as much as the fact that he did. Rather, Vasan is hardly focused on his own anger. Instead he speaks of various states of the human condition: happiness, suffering, kindness. Rebelling against corruption and power inequalities was only one part of his deeper inquiry into what it means to live as a human being.”
Junni Chen reviews Vasan Sitthiket’s solo exhibition for ArtHop.
Learn more about Vasan Sitthiket and the exhibition.