Po Po: VIP Project, Yangon/Dhaka
14 Mar 2016
Australian writer / curator Jasmin Stephens provides and insightful profile of Myanmar artist Po Po on Artlink Australasia, and his artwork VIP Project (Yangon/Dhaka) at the recent 8th Art Pacific Triennale.
The 8th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art is on view at the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane, Australia, until 10 April 2016.
Click here to read more on Artlink, and here to learn more about the artist.
(Image: Po Po, VIP Project (Yangon/Dhaka) (detail, Dhaka), 2010–15, mixed media installation. Commissioned and produced by the Samdani Art Foundation for Dhaka Art Summit 2016. Photo courtesy the artist, via Artlink)