Stanislava Pinchuk at Heide Museum of Modern Art
6 Apr 2021
Stanislava Pinchuk’s debut career survey exhibiton “Terra Data” is now on view at Heide Museum of Modern Art until 20 June.
This exhibition showcases powerful drawings that capture the changing topographies of war through data mapping as well as terrazzo sculptures containing the detritus left behind by conflict —fragments of tiles, shotgun shells, SIM cards, plastics and tar. In her work Pinchuk plots both the physical features of the land as well as the more abstract yet enduring residues of trauma.
Pinchuk’s new climate data-mapping works was part of the group show “Emerging Topographies” at Yavuz Gallery Sydney.
Images: installation views of Stanislava Pinchuk, “Stanislava Pinchuk: Terra Data”, Heide Museum of Modern Art; photographs by Clytie Meredith
Courtesy of the artist and Heide MoMA.