Walk Walk Don’t Run by Grey Projects features Moses Tan, Ian Tee and Jason Wee
5 Oct 2021
Walk Walk Don’t Run a fresh initiative by Grey Projects that features artists Moses Tan, Ian Tee and Jason Wee!
Walk Walk Don’t Run brings a new perspective of an island-wide open studio walk involving over 35 artists, studios and artist-run spaces will have their doors open for public visits. This event maps out a diverse array of artist studios within the North, East, West and Central regions of the country, brought together though the power of conversation. “Our first consideration was to reach artists from all around the island,” shares Wee, Founder and Director of Grey Projects. “Our peers and colleagues who agreed then led us to many other folks within the art and design scene.”
Inspired by the East Side Open Studios, last initiated by Peninsular in 2018, Walk Walk Don’t Run encourages conversations and spontaneity, presenting an opportunity to spend time and form new connections with people from different walks of life. The open studio platform also provides participating artists a sense of openness and a chance to step away from the exhibition and instead, share their work-in-progress, ongoing research and concepts with the public.
Walk Walk Don’t Run open studios is organised into different locales over four Saturdays during October and November, with each open studio weekend taking place from 10.30am to 6pm.