World-renowned artists Abdul Abdullah and MOMO collaborate on major Subiaco public art installation
2 Feb 2024
The iconic 53-metre tall Subiaco chimney stack (previously the Princess Margaret Hospital) in Perth just underwent a major makeover courtesy of artists Abdul Abdullah and MOMO in a joint public art commission supported by the City of Subiaco.
The celebated landmark now features a vibrant wraparound mural and sculptural lighting elements that seeks to celebrate the community’s sense of connectedness. The permanent public installation titled Here Together seeks to transcends joy by connecting everyone who visits to foster a sense of community, health and wellbeing.
There was a global search to find the perfect artists for the job, with MOMO and Abdul Abdullah winning the bid to reinvent this iconic structure.
MOMO (David Momyer) is an experimental artist from San Francisco with decades of experience in large scale outdoor artwork. He has developed a unique visual language using innovative free-range painting techniques, practical geometry and computer coding to craft his works.
Perth-born artist Abdul Abdullah is a six-time Archibald Prize finalist with experience across painting, photography, installation and performance. Identifying as a Muslim and having both Malay/Indonesian and convict/settler Australian heritage, Abdullah occupies a precarious space in the political discourse that puts him at odds with easy definitions. Grounding his irreverent outlook in an expansive cultural geography that belies reductive boundaries of nationality, Abdullah represents a new face of emerging artists from the Asia-Pacific region.
This project is supported by Creative Road Art Projects, DevelopmentWA, the City of Subiaco, and Artify.