Bangkok Post on Manit Sriwanichpoom’s revolutionary Pink Man
18 Jul 2021
Artist and photographer Manit Sriwanichpoom brings his art performance across the globe, addressing the universal issues of poverty and exploitation.
The chubby poker-face middle aged man in a shocking bright pink suit, draws eyes to attention on the busy streets of Silom Road in Thailand. Sriwanichpoom’s inspiration for this iconic character came in 1997, when he saw shoppers filling their shopping carts with piles of products. As a satire against consumerism, he decided to stage a performance on Silom Road with Pink Man, pushing an empty pink shopping cart around.
Sriwanichpoom questions and comments on consumerism and capitalism politics by having the Pink Man entertain and provoke thought on responsible spending.
“I criticise or comment because of my concern or worry about certain issues. As an artist, I am lucky to have the means to express my ideas and it is necessary to protect my freedom of speech,” says Sriwanichpoom.
To read the article, click here.
Image: Pink Man on Tour #6 (Amazing Rice Field, Northern Thailand), 1998, colour print, 40 x 50 cm